gkbc.bishnu@gmail.com 03712-240142
Rules & Regulations
Rules and Regulations for Students
The college lays great emphasis on discipline and character building of the students. So they must abide by the rules and regulations of the college.
(1) Using mobile inside the college campus is strictly prohibited. Violation of the rule must be liable to pay a fine of Rs. .....
(2) College uniform is compulsory for every working day. Students without uniform will not be allowed to enter the college campus.
(3) Smoking, spitting, throwing waste indecently, destroying college property, making noise and loitering in the campus may lead pecuniary fine or expulsion from the college or both.
(4) All forms of ragging in the college are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary action will be taken against those involved in such activities.
(5) The Identity Card should be brought to the college every day and is to be produced whenever asked for.
Attendance Rules :
(1) Attendance in class is compulsory.
(2) Students failing to attend at least 75% of the classes in each subject will forfeit the benefits of scholarship and other facilities (e.g. contesting in college election). He will not even be allowed to sit for any final examination.
(3) Names of the students who fail to attend their classes for the first 15 days will be struck off from the Major course.
Library Rules :
(1) Two `Library Cards' are issued to the students of Degree students for the transaction of books from the Library. Students with Major in any subject are allowed one Additional Card. Besides, the Library Committee of CC has the right to issue more cards to meritorious and deserving students.
(2) In no case, a student can keep a book for more than 15 days from the date of issue. The books may be reissued for another 15 days in consultation with the Librarian.
(3) If he/ she does not return the book within 15 days a fine of Re. 1/- (one) per day upto 15 days and Rs. 2 (two) per day thereafter will be imposed.